We are blessed to have many good and righteous families, and many serious families concerned about their well-being. However, both types suffer from an overpowering sense of individualism. The father is busy with his affairs, the mother with hers, and each child is in their room, in front of the TV, or talking to friends on the phone. Indeed, homes are gradually turning into something resembling hotels, which greatly affects the upbringing process as family interactions are a crucial resource for the maturation of the young and strengthening of bonds. Therefore, providing activities that bring the family together is important. Such activities might include:
1. Praying and praising Allah Almighty, as Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: "When he intended to finish the Quran, he gathered his family and prayed with them the finishing prayer."
2. Reciting Islamic hymns with lofty and beautiful meanings.
3. For those in the household who are not obligated to attend communal prayers, they can perform the obligatory prayers together, and the family can pray voluntary prayers at night together, as prescribed in the books of Fiqh.
4. Participating in providing services to some organizations or needy families and implementing joint charitable projects.
5. Training the young on public speaking and teaching them the art of presentation and listening to them attentively and with interest.
6. Assigning one of the children to summarize a story, novel, or book, with the family gathering to hear the summary and discuss it.
7. Going to the library to choose books suitable for the family and buying them.
8. Organizing a simple group game in which any family member who wishes can participate, adding a fun element. These activities mentioned provide the family with a sense of unity, add joy and pleasure to their life, and offer many benefits.