Scholarships offered by the International Scientific Forum (ALMAHFAL)

The scholarships offered by the International Scientific Forum (ALMAHFAL), including the opportunity for free participation tickets with the ability to attend courses, lectures, and workshops held on the sidelines of the forum's events, represent a crucial initiative towards supporting and empowering widows through educational development and networking opportunities. This scholarship allows widows who register on the "Qadirah" platform and verify their accounts and identities to gain this opportunity.


The Importance of the Scholarship

The scholarship provided by the International Scientific Forum underscores the significant role of scientific and cultural exchange in empowering individuals, particularly widows and divorcees. By offering free access to its educational and networking events, the forum not only provides knowledge and skill development but also opens avenues for these women to connect with experts, researchers, and professionals from various fields, enhancing their social and professional networks.



A Call to Other Institutions

This initiative serves as an encouragement for other institutions, platforms, and centers to extend their support to widows and divorcees, recognizing the pivotal role they play in societal development. By offering scholarships, educational opportunities, and memberships, these entities can contribute significantly to the economic and social empowerment of this vulnerable group, enabling them to achieve greater independence and participate more actively in the community.



Steps to Obtain the Scholarship

To access this scholarship, widows registered on the "Qadirah" platform must complete the verification of their accounts and confirm their identity. Following this, they can apply for the scholarship through the platform's control panel, offering them a pathway to engage in scientific and academic pursuits and to leverage these opportunities for personal and professional growth.




The scholarship from the International Scientific Forum represents a vital step towards integrating widows and divorcees into the broader academic and scientific community, providing them with the tools and opportunities to advance their knowledge and skills. More organizations should follow this exemplary model, contributing to the support and advancement of this important segment of society through digital platforms like "Qadirah," the first of its kind to gather and support this group.